Sunday, March 04, 2007


My god, it's been toooooooooooooo long ! Yes I'm sure you'll agree. July? Are you f****ing kidding me? What the hell was I thinking?
Well a lot of crap happened to me the second half of 2006 and I'm still trying to deal with it today. So hopefully I'll be getting back in to the mix and updating on a more frequent basis. I've updated AT and plan on doing TBP soon enough.
I'm looking for a job and scraping by so far with my ebay auctions.
Otherwise if you are bored or have a myspace account you can add me. My myspace page
Have fun!

Friday, July 28, 2006

50 pages woohoo!!!!

Milestone people, milestone!!!!
Well it's only taken me about a year...
Anyway two new pages up. would have done 3 but ran out of time, it's gone 6 am here.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Oh my god! An update!

Yep as promised. New chapter, more intrigue. This could go many different ways. Also the new character Menhdi, will be adding a profile for her also and you'll be able to read up on this important character. Well she'll be important in regards to Hev. Yay!
I'll also be adding new auctions on my ebay for gear this friday!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Long in the making

I know I know, it's been a hell of a long time since I updated my comics. I know many people have been checking back very very often to see if there were new updates. I am currently unemployed and looking for a job as well as sources of income such as translations, making clothes to sell on ebay and tutoring. I am also looking for a studio to teach my bellydance classes in.
On top of all this I am also taking two online classes that are taking up a hell of a lot of my time. I'm more than half way through those but still it's a lot of work. Tomorrow I'm beginning ballroom dance training in order to become an instructor and also have my Teaching License Exam this saturday.
I'm going to be putting at least two pages up some time this week. Before friday.
Please remember that these comics are free and I don't make money off them (I have never received a donation to help with paper and bandwidth or had anyone buy comic merch from my store so yeah this is all straight out of pocket but I'm not complaining just adding a quick note if anyone was complaining ;) ) and so other things take priority.
Will definitely be adding this week since I recognise how long it has been since an update and it even pisses me off that I left it this long.
Until then!

Friday, May 26, 2006


I'm really sorry this is such a late blog update, but i've been unexpectedly busy. I lost my job last week but managed to get myself a translation assignment t do that I have to finish before tomorrow afternoon since i'm going out of town for the weekend. So the update i was planning to do is pushed to next week, sorry guys but it only means you'll havem ore pages to read in one shot :).
I also never got round to posting that Lys' shirt/tunic/dress is currently on ebay and the auction ends tonight (friday) so check it out!
Follow this link
Have a good weekend!

Monday, May 15, 2006


Since I'm busy now making clothes and putting them up for sale on ebay, see the link in previous update, I have decided that one of my characters' apparel is going to be available, live for you to buy and wear. Yes I'm going to draw one of my characters with one of the shirts I'm going to make on them! I will of course post the link and maybe a temporary banner on the new pages so that it catches your eye. It will be a low starting bid (enough to cover my materials) and the rest will be up to you. This will be a unique, one of a kind piece of clothing associated with the comic. I'll also throw in a print of the character wearing the shirt (I've decided it'll be a shirt and not a skirt or pants, it will fit a wide range of body types) signed by me, the author naturally.
I also have been adding people who read my comic to my friends list on yahoo and aim. If you would like to add me just use sesiru_d as the id for yahoo and sprtseraphim for aim. If I'm not busy I'll of course say hi.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

3 new pages for AT!

I know I know it's a day late but it's there! 3 pages to end this chapter hope you enjoy it. I'm also busy making clothes and diy screenprinting. I'm almost at 50! I will also be make a cool cover for the next chapter, so if you would like ot see a certain character on it, let me know!